Thursday, October 29, 2009

Magazine Overload?

I subscribe to Redbook magazine, and have for some time, but now, not only do I get it in hard form, the paper copy we are all use too, but I also get it online now. On the October 29th, edition of Redbook online, there are approx. 30 or so articles to choose from for either quick viewing or quick reading, in 5 minutes or less....
I remember when it would take a good portion of an afternoon, sitting on your favorite lounge chair outside, or favorite arm chair in the livingroom, or even a waiting room, when waiting for the doctor and their always late, it would take that long or longer to get through an article or whole magazine if you skipped some articles.
But, in today's society of the medium, women between 25 -50 and the change in our culture to have it now, quick, fast, women having less time to do more, this mass media of magazine has change to accommodate the rapid pace at which this narrowed medium has asked for articles, tips, suggestions, receipes, and everything else they desire to be at their fingertips.
Redbook has had to change to the culture of American women, between working, raising a family, school for the adults, kids activities, laundry and everything in between has forced this magazine to change its medium, direction, accessibility (to online access), quick reading, quick responses, and most of all to focus more on the needs and wants of women in today's society.
Pat Kaehler.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Forever Beautiful!

This is a picture of a rainbow hitting the rocks of Sedona, AZ. As I was trying to find a "charged" picture, this once struck me with its shear beauty, awesome power, forever promise, and new life that rain brings and the ending that brings a beautiful rainbow! I never tire of viewing the beauty of nature, the awesome array of color that is created with precision each and every time a rainbow appears. It brings freshness, an air of calm, and renewed energy that all things are bright and beautiful especially after a rainfall and the forever promise that a rainbow brings... Pat Kaehler.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rune Scape? Only a kids game? Is it too violent?

We all want our kids to be entertained, enjoy the latest and greatest video, music, and game that the latest technology has come up with, but do some take it too far in violence, time spend playing (being hoked on playing the game), or crosses over to several generations? Rune Scape, a action level game of search, seek, find, destroy, kill, and concure each level to gain access to the next. My oldest son plays it, my daughter plays it, and by the intro to this video, so does almost every generation out there. It uses hand and eye coordination to improve your skills in order to advance. Rune Scape uses live action figures and great animation to keep you interested.... Too interested? Pat Kaehler.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Normal versus Otherness, you decide..

A very typical and common picture of siblings doing what they are known for and what come nature to them at times, to get what they want and when they want, and at any cost. Sibling arguments are considered “normal” to most parents, and pretty sure most of us as adults have experienced or heard of sibling rivalry at one time or another. Do we let it happen? Or stop it, discuss the ramifications, and have our children act like young adults? What would be considered the “normal” or use these situations to create the “otherness” of our society?
Pat Kaehler.The norm of what most of us American’s are trying to do these days, to save any way we can and here are some great tips and ideas to help us savvy computer users to utilize the web for more than just fun…
Pat Kaehler.

Would you consider this “norm” or “otherness”. In our society, happy, enjoyable, fun, and carefree marriages are considered? Curt and I will be married for 20 years this October 21st, and I admit we have had our share of ups and downs, struggles and joys, happy and sad times, but with a lot of work, it has survived and going strong… Pat Kaehler.